Cryogenic and vacuum systems for all temperature ranges and applications. Design and consultancy services, aerospace testing chambers, ultra-low temperature design, SQUID applications, single-photon detection and spectroscopy, analysis and optimisation for ultra-low noise, high-resolution measurements.
2019 Spetember GSI in Darmstadt „Roadshow”, GSI
2019 March 16th Particle Induced X-ray Emission, PIXE2019
2019 April DPG Regensburg, German Physical Society, DPG
2019 February ESA Technology Days, ESA DLR
2018 16th Plasma Surface Engineering PSE2018
September 17 - 21, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
2018 DPG Berlin, Germany. DPG
March 13 -15th, Stand 12+13 Zelt
2017 DPG Dresden, Germany. DPG
2017 LTD Fukuoka Japan. LTD2016 DPG Regensburg, Germany. DPG
2015 LTD-16 Grenoble, France. LTD
2015 HEP Tech HEP
2015 DPG Berlin, Germany. DPG
2015 European Cryogenics Days, Grenoble. CSE
2014 DPG Berlin, Germany. DPG
2013 DPG Regensburg, Germany. DPG
2018/2017 Innovation Award from the Austrian Academy of Sciences ÖAW-Award
A detector system for nuclear forensics and nuclear accountancy applications.
2017 Paul-Ehrenfest Best Paper Award (co-author). VCQS, ICFO, Ehrenfest.
2017 John Stewart Bell Prize (Zeilinger, IQOQI). Prize, PrizeWiki, Bell.
2016 Development of a cryogenic x-ray detector and an application for kaon mass measurement. Proceedings of Science, EPS.
2016 A high-resolution x-ray spectrometer for a kaon mass measurement. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research.
2015 Significant-loophole-free test of Bell’s theorem with entangled photons. Physical Review Letters. Some other papers on the topic: Arxiv, Arxiv, Arxiv.
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